I decided to write this article using the Digimind tool, a social listening tool, allowing to measure several parameters about what people say about the brand, what Google says about the brand and what the brand says. Thanks to this tool I measured the frequency, and the way Adidas was mentioned, in articles, posts, reactions, related to the collaboration with Ivy Park, Beyoncé’s brand. I thought it would be wise to take a closer look at the diverse reactions on the internet, to show the impact of this collaboration on Adidas’s image, awareness and visibility.
In order to get insights, I used the Historical search of Digimind, and entered the two keywords "Adidas" and "Ivy Park". In order to have a wider vision, I chose to focus on the last 24 months, that means from 22ndNovember 2018 and 22nd November 2020, without any geographic, language, age or media filter, to have a global understanding of what was said in common related to these two keywords.
The first graph we can analyze show the evolution of the reactions on internet related to both subjects. What we can notice, is that there are two main peaks.

Evolutions of mentions about Adidas and Ivy Park between November 22, 2018 and November 22, 2020
The first peak recorded in April 2019, was related to the announcement of the launch of Adidas x Ivy Park collection. By getting further in the insight, by looking at the period April 1st to May 1st, I notice that there were two peaks within the month. The first was recorded on April 4th. By looking further, I learned that it corresponds to the announcement of the launch of the collaboration; the second was recorded on April 26th and corresponds to the teasing of the collection, staging by Beyoncé wearing clothes from the collection for the first time. Moreover, by using the different tools provided by Digimind, I was able to look at different parameters including the top cities or geographical areas, influencers, the general sentiment translated in posts, and many other interesting parameters to be explored. During this 1-month period, from April 1st to May 1st, the most reactive countries were USA and Canada with each 33% of the total mentions, and as top city New York counting 11% of the total mentions. Looking at the influencer’s session, the top three influencers on Twitter were Reuters, The Wall Street Journal and Forbes. Now let’s look at the demographic session. I found that 50% of the mentions coming from women come from women aged from 18 to 25 and 50% come from women aged more than 55. Regarding men, 93% of men that mentioned Adidas and Ivy Park in a same post were aged from 26 to 40 and the remaining were aged from 18 to 25. In addition, the tab sentiments reveal that 57% of the total mentions are of a positive nature, against 28% of a negative nature, and 15% neutral.
Several parameters about Adidas and Ivy Park between April 1st, 2019 and May 1st, 2019
As seen on the first graph, the second big peak was recorded mainly from December 2019 to February 2020 with a strong peak during January 2020. This sudden increase was due to the approach of the launch of the collection. Beyoncé was wearing clothes and shoes from the new collection, and reactions were tremendous. In addition, Beyoncé was on the front page of the famous newspaper ELLE for the edition January 2020 and several pages with an exclusive interview were devoted to her inside. Many online newspapers, blogs and fans related the magazine’s front page and pictures. During January 2020, Adidas and Ivy Park counted 374227 mentions. The peak was due to the launch start of the collection. Many media wrote about it, and fans of both the famous singer and adidas brand give their opinion. The top influencers on Twitter were CNN, Vogue Magazine, and E!News. On Facebook, it was Beyoncé and Adidas official accounts that relied the collaboration the most. Regarding geographical areas, the most active countries were USA with 40% of the total mentions, followed by Brazil with 11% of the total mentions and South Africa with 4% of the total mentions. The top cities were New York with 8% and Rio de Janeiro with 6% of the total mentions. The top hashtags were #adidasxivypark used 16907 times during the month of January, followed by #beyonce, #ivypark, and #adidas, respectively used 2020, 1790, and 1730 times during the month of January. Regarding the demographics, 70% of women that mentioned Adidas and Ivy Park together were aged from 26 to 40; 17% were aged from 18 to 25 and 10% had more than 55. For men, I noticed the quite same trend. In addition, the tools informed us that among people who mentioned Adidas and Ivy Park together, 49% were men, and 51% were women. Another thing I learned thanks to the different sections of Digimind is regarding the interests of these people. They are interested about to the Black Lives Matter movement, are Beyoncé’s fans, and are sneakers lovers. It is not surprising since Beyoncé supports the Black Lives Matter movement and fights for this cause. Also, the main professions which mentioned Adidas and Ivy Park during January 2020 were blogger, creator, producer, photographer, artists, singers and models. This is quite logic as long as these professions are all artistic and creative and may be interested in fashion and current trends. Concerning the sentiment tab for January, I could observe the same trend than in April. 55% of mentions are of positive nature, against 26% of negative nature and 19% neutral. The Emoji tab taught me that the main emoji used related to adidas and ivy park are red heart, flames, and heart eyes emoji.
Several parameters about Adidas and Ivy Park between January 1st, 2020 and February 1st, 2020

Besides that, I thought it could be interesting to know more about the impact of the collaboration with Ivy Park on Adidas’s mentions. In that logic, I only wrote “adidas” on Historical search’s bare, without changing the dates or any filters. I noticed that adidas’s mentions have significantly increased during this period, which shows the correlation between the increase of mentions and the launch of adidas x ivy park first collection. Thus, the impact of such collaboration on a brand visibility and awareness is here noticeable.
Evolutions of mentions about Adidas between
November 22, 2018 and November 22, 2020

Sentiments about Adidas and Ivy Park between October 1st, 2020 and Nobember 1st, 2020
According to the first graph, in October 2020, there was a new peak, explained by the launch of the second drop of the collection Adidas x Ivy park. That time, 62% of the mentions were of positive nature against only 19% of negative nature, and 19% neutral. It could be due to the fact that there were much less mentions than in January (when the first Ivy Park collection was launched). People were less critical about the collaboration itself, and there are more mentions from lovers of the new collection.
Thanks to Digimind tool, we were able to measure the impact of the collaboration adidas x Ivy Park. We were able to measure the level of positive and negative mentions, translating the whole vision of brand’s image online. The announcement of the collaboration and the first collection was louder, due to the surprising aspect. However, since Beyoncé is extremely famous, and appreciated worldwide, this collaboration has a general positive impact.
- Digimind. Historical Search . From https://search.digimind.com/ds/aq9/dhs/